Obesity prevalence has been increasing in the South East Asia. Based on the report shown by The Economist Intelligence Unit Limited 2017, we had observed the increase of 24% – 38% of obesity prevalence in the respective countries below comparing against other countries such as Japan, South Korea, UK and the US from 2010 to 2014;

One of the key reasons according to WHO is due to urbanization which leads to lifestyle changes. More fast food had been introduced into the diet, increase of high sugar content products intake, and sedentary lifestyle have been contributing to this factor.

With the recent pandemic of Covid-19 and lockdowns in almost every country, the condition became worst as people would rely a lot more on processed foods and having less exercise.

In Monteloeder, we are able to offer a solution to counter against metabolic syndrome called Metabolaid. Metabolaid is a branded ingredient based on the combination of hibiscus and lemon verbena extract for people who are suffering from metabolic syndrome. There are several clinical studies that shows Metabolaid helps with the following;

  1. Maintain a healthy body weight and waistline.
  2. Promote a healthy cholesterol profile.
  3. Support a healthy blood pressure parameters.
  4. Maintain healthy blood glucose parameters.
  5. Has satiety effect to control your appetite.

For more information, do visit us at https://www.monteloeder.com/lifestyle-performance/health-wellness/ today!


  1. Tackling obesity in ASEAN Prevalence, impact, and guidance on interventions by The Economist Intelligence Unit Limited 2017
  2. https://www.who.int/southeastasia/health-topics/obesity